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BOMA/Chicago Opposes Proposal to Extend SSA #1 Taxation to New Parcels; First Committee Hearing April 30

July 13, 2015

The BOMA/Chicago Board of Directors recently adopted a position to publicly oppose any attempt to renew the State Street Special Service Area (SSA) if the proposed renewal adds any additional taxable parcels not taxed under the existing SSA's configuration, unless the property owner specifically consents to be included.

With the SSA set to expire, the Chicago Loop Alliance (CLA) is mandated to hold a series of Community Meetings on "reconstituting" SSA #1. These meetings are required by the Department of Planning and Development to inform the public about 15-year term extensions for renewing SSAs.

The CLA's current proposal includes the addition of new taxable parcels, which BOMA/Chicago opposes.

CLA will hold the first required meeting on Thursday, April 30 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Lake Room at University Center, located at 525 S. State Street. The meeting will include an overview of the SSA program, proposed boundaries, scope of services, term levy rate cap and existing levy rate and budget. BOMA/Chicago members who will be affected by the SSA are encouraged to attend.

For more information, contact Ron Tabaczynski, Director of Government Affairs at